
New England’s seasonal weather can be harsh and lead to costly repairs and even a homeowner’s insurance claim. Each season brings with it extreme weather that can damage a home, and if not managed properly, cost a homeowner thousands of dollars. The following are some seasonal tips that may prevent expensive headaches:

Fall: Servicing a furnace to prepare for the Winter weather can prevent a freezing house during the
coldest time of the year. Returning home from a week in Florida to a home with frozen pipes due to a failed furnace is not ideal.

Winter: Snow and Ice can do a number on a home. Ice and heavy snow on the roof can lead to be
extensive damage. Ice Dams and roof damage are common issues that can be prevented. Knocking deep snow off your roof and breaking up ice buildups can be handled by the average homeowner.

Spring: It’s not the most enjoyable aspect to owning a home, but doing some exterior Spring cleaning around your property can help prevent unnecessary headaches. Cleaning gutters and making sure a home’s drainage system is working properly can keep water from entering the basement.

Summer: It’s time to relax and enjoy this great time of the year, but there are a few housekeeping tips that will keep a house in good shape. Overhanging trees that are too close to the house present the possibility of an insurance claim nightmare. When a large tree falls on a house, the damage can cost thousands and a bad insurance claim will drive up the price of future premiums.

Seasonal maintenance isn’t the most enjoyable aspect to homeownership, but is necessary to
prevent expensive repairs. A person’s home is usually their biggest asset; proper care will help your home gain value and avoid disasters.


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Greg Ormon

Greg Ormon


Greg Ormon is a Private Risk Advisor with RogersGray. Greg recognizes how important it is to put a client’s needs first. His goal is to make the process as easy and understandable as possible. Greg specializes in homeowners, auto, boat & yacht, builders risk, special event, umbrella and many other types of personal insurance.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn or by email.