

Freshen-up your knowledge of all things INSURANCE with our blog!

What are the Different Types of Deductibles?

We hear this word all the time, “deductible.” Commercials usually shout at us about how low theirs are, or that it vanishes sometimes, but not all deductibles are the same, particularly across different types of insurance. A deductible is the amount you’re required to...

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Gaps in Cyber Insurance Coverage

If you are a business owner – or someone in charge of the risk management program for their company – you probably know about cyber insurance. More companies are electing to transfer some of their risk by purchasing a cyber insurance policy. Bottom line, cyber...

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Managing Staff Changes; How RG Prepares for the Inevitable

Personal service is one of the hallmarks of RogersGray. We pride ourselves on the fact that when you need us you can call your Client Manager directly and we value the relationships we build with each of our clients. We try to minimize changes to service personnel,...

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MA Short Term Rental Law; $1M Liability Limit Required

By now, anyone who rents their home in the summer in Massachusetts has heard about the new Short Term Rental law, effective July 1, 2019, for all rentals booked after January 1st. This is of particular interest in areas like Cape Cod, where many homeowners make...

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Winter Storm Safety Tips!

You probably already have your Bread & Milk and a full tank of gas by now, but have you considered the other ways that you can ensure you and your family's safety through the winter storm? Insulate windows, particularly older windows, with heat sealing plastic to...

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Benefit Administration Systems Help Streamline Your Business

There’s a growing expectation of online accessibility. As a culture, we want things here and now. Schedules, paychecks, tax forms, and a host of other life-necessities, can now be found online or with apps. From classrooms to the workplace, many important documents...

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National Flood Insurance Program Set to Expire Tomorrow

As of the writing of this blog post, Congress has not yet extended the National Flood Insurance Program, which expires at midnight on Friday, November 30th. There is currently no clear path forward, but experts are "cautiously optimistic" that a deal will be struck in...

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Insurance Lingo That You Need to Know

Insurance can be filled with A LOT of jargon and mumbo-jumbo. We all hear insurance-y terms tossed around in ads, tv shows, and online, but do we know what they really mean? Here are few quick, basic insurance terms you should know: Actual Cash Value aka ACV –...

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Health Insurance Responsibility Disclosure (HIRD) FAQ

In August of 2017, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed H.3822, which increased the existing Employer Medical Assistance Contribution (EMAC) and imposed an additional fee (EMAC Supplement) on employers with employees covered under MassHealth (Medicaid) or who...

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