

Freshen-up your knowledge of all things INSURANCE with our blog!

Current Threats for the Large Manufacturing Industry

There are many threats and considerations that large manufacturing firms must consider when doing business. Claims can be made against the manufacturer for many reasons. Your insurance covers some of these claims, but it can be costly to defend and settle lawsuits...

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Insuring Teen Drivers

One of life’s biggest milestones is getting your drivers license. When it comes to insuring a teen driver, there are a few options available to ensure the new driver – and their parent or guardian – is protected. Mike Redfield takes some time to break down the options in this blog post.

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Improving the Health of Employees for the Self-Funded

By utilizing data analytics with predictive analysis, employers can help clarify their healthcare spend and drive action to reduce it. John Turco shares some insights and methodology self funded organizations can take to help improve the health of employees.

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Summer Safety Tips for Parents and Kids

Summer is almost here and I don't know about you, but I tend to be a little more lax when the weather turns warmer! I found this great list of safety tips for parents and kids, but I'm not going to bore you with the ones like "make sure your child wears a...

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Marijuana Legalization & the Workplace

According to a recent study, 2/3 Americans are in favor of legalizing marijuana. What does marijuana legalization mean for the workplace or your organization’s employee policies? As laws continue to evolve, employers should engage legal counsel to review their policies to ensure they are current and compliant.

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Can I Rent a Car without Auto Insurance?

Have you ever wondered, “Can I rent a car without auto insurance?,” or “Do I need to get rental car insurance?” If you don’t have your own auto insurance, there are options to protect yourself when hitting the road in a rental.

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