HR CONSULTING GROUP Workforce Development

Companies may apply for Express Program Grants – up to a total of $20,000 per organization per calendar year!

The Workforce Training Fund Express Program provides eligible employers fast, simple access to grant-funded training, helping businesses respond to emerging needs.

Workforce training continues to be a hot topic for employers – particularly those bringing employees back to the office post COVID, those who have emerging technology needs, and those employers with new leadership and management team members.

Our experienced Learning and Development team will consult with your organization and provide a tailored training plan that will meet your specific needs while reflecting your company’s unique culture.


  • Sexual Harassment (Management and Employee Versions Available)
  • Discrimination Prevention (Management and Employee Versions Available)
  • Workplace Violence
  • HR101
    • Disciplinary Actions/Procedures
    • Hidden Bias
    • Lawful Interviews
    • Conflict Resolution


  • This program is funded through the MA Department of Unemployment which means that the funding distribution is contingent upon an organization’s contribution to MA unemployment on behalf of their employees.
  • Companies may apply for and receive Express Program grants
    up to a total of $20,000 per calendar year.*
  • Grant recipients with 100 or fewer Massachusetts employees,
    upon completion of an approved course, may receive
    reimbursement of the cost of training, up to $3K/person/course.
  • As of July 2023, applicants with more than 100 Massachusetts
    employees are not eligible to receive Express Program grants but
    are encouraged to submit applications to the General Grant Program.*
  • Applications received prior to July 10, 2023, will be considered
    for previous grant limits ($250,000 for General Program /
    $30,000 for Express Program).*
  • Employers may only participate in either the Express or General
    Program at one time.*

* These polices are applied to all Express and General Program applications submitted on or after July 10, 2023


For full details, please contact the HR Consulting Group.



  • Background Checks
  • Employee Relations Management
  • Unemployment Claims
  • Leave Administration Management
  • COBRA Administration
  • Harassment and Discrimination Investigations

  • Wage Audit

  • Hiring and Termination Compliance

  • Job Descriptions

  • Labor Law Posters